Lessons From Others



I just recently read a book that was a true gift to my spirit.

It is called;

God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours

I wanted to share a few things that really resonated with me.

Life isn’t fair but it is still good.~ Oh, how we all know that is true, right?

When in doubt, just take the next right step.~Something I have recently… really had to put into practice.

Don’t take yourself so seriously, no one else does.~One of my number one problems.

Make peace with your past so it doesn’t screw up the present.~So true but oh, so hard to do!

These were the first few that I wrote down and keep going back to.

And a few more;

Yield~For each of us this is something different at times but in my opinion would always include prayer.

If  you don’t ask. You don’t get.~Enough said.

Envy is a waste of time. You already have everything you need.~We really do and it’s always been there, not our things, our homes, our cars. It is us.

No matter how good or how bad a situation is, it will change.~Why does it seem like we only get so long of the good times and then the bad times come? But, shouldn’t we look at the other way around. The good times are coming!

If any of this has touched you and you want to read more you can get this book and read the other 42 lessons she gives at amazon.com or you can go to her website at reginabrett.com. She has other books, a blog and a pretty darn good website.

I think she is a fabulous writer and I am so glad that I ran across her book.

Many lessons learned or at least re-taught.

Thanks for stopping by!

Beautiful Blogger Award



What a nice surprise I received in my inbox recently from another blogger~

Beautiful Blogger Award

She nominated me for this, the Beautiful Blogger Award. How sweet! The best part of blogging for me is the connections I’ve made with people I NEVER would have met otherwise and the creative outlet it gives me.

I was nominated by Liz of Sort~It, a professional organizing company that she started. Please stop over and visit her site and blog.

She writes and gives great tips about cleaning, decluttering (near and dear to my heart), hoarding, organizing and planning.

I’ll list the rules here so the people I nominate will have an easier time of joining in, there is no pressure to participate its’ just about bloggers recognizing others blogs.

  • Thank the person who gave you the award with a link to their website.
  • Post the award, but who wouldn’t want to do that!!!!
  • Nominate 7 other blogs for the award with links to their blogs.
  • Finally and the fun part for our readers, post 7 random things about you.

My nominations are as follows;

  1. CB’s Cooking Adventure’s– All things recipes and cooking. She’s a great cook!
  2. The Bunten Blog– Actually this is another one of Cynthia’s blogs (her family journey) that I enjoy as well. She is the one who inspired me to start blogging and gave me a helping hand with mine so I think she deserves recognition for both of her blogs.
  3. For the love of Handbags-Janice’s life and love of creating beautiful bags.
  4. Always Nesting– I just started following this blog but I love their story, blog and that Marla and Steve are a team. Mostly decor inspired but with other great ideas as well.
  5. Whatever– Teresa loves creating a beautiful home, her family and her faith. She has great style and great ideas. I have been a follower since the beginning of my blog.
  6. Find joy in the journey-Shannon is Teresa’s daughter. Another blog I love to follow. She is so creative, she shares her family’s journey and it’s always interesting.
  7. Thistlewood Farm– KariAnn has a beautiful blog, let me state that again….. a beautiful blog! She writes about decorating her home and lots of DIY.

7 Random things about me;

  1. I went skydiving on my 40th Birthday.
  2. For 3 years we housed hockey players in our home during their junior hockey season. They lived with us just as one of our own children. One for 2 years and another one for one year.
  3. I love cotton candy.
  4. I love and collect quotes.
  5. I dream of going to Australia one day.
  6. My favorite city (so far) has been San Francisco.
  7. I am a Chicago Bears fan.

Let it Snow..Let it Snow..Let it Snow


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I saw one of those Facebook jokes recently that read; I miss having to complain about the heat.

Which I do.

But there is something about a snow day.

I am lucky enough now to not have to worry about driving anywhere as long as the work I have gets done on time so, today I’m just staying in to enjoy the snow.

Reading, blogging, paying those dreaded bills and catching up on paperwork.

My dad made me this cute snowman a couple of years ago and he goes up as soon as Thanksgiving day has passed and stays up until about the end of February. I have named him Sonny and he does enjoy the weather. Our weather this January has been kind of crazy as it has been all over the country, just yesterday Sonny was warm with green grass behind him. Now today he is in the middle of a snowstorm. But he always has a smile on his face.



Whenever you can I hope you stop just to enjoy life….even if it takes a snow day to do it.

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take the time to enjoy where we are.”~ Calvin & Hobbes

Pantone Color of the Year



My favorite color is green…..so I am excited that the color of the year…. this year in all decorator land is Emerald Green.

Pantone chooses its new color of the year in the fall so to some of you this is old news ….I’m just finally getting around to the actual celebration of my favorite color and thinking about where I can add it into my life this year. And like any trend just a little will do.

Love the green pillows!

What a fun kitchen, would wake you up in the morning for sure!

The contrasts in this room make it very interesting, not sure about the curtains but in the room they probably aren’t as heavy as they appear in the photo.

I could go on and on with this color but I think I’ll stop for all of our sakes.

Valentine’s Paper Heart Garland


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Saw and pinned this;

Pinned Image

…..and this; both from bhg.

Pinned Image

So we did this;


Why is it that the projects one does at home just don’t quite turn out like the ones in the magazines?

Oh, well…

 it still adds a touch of fun when you come home.~

You can check out last year’s project by clicking here.

Five Minute Friday: Cherished



Linking up over at;

…because I haven’t done that for awhile.

……because it feels good to be part of a community.

The word for today is Cherished;

I saw a story on tv this morning about a group in Boston that is trying to add sunshine, a smile to everyone. They are trying to just make people smile as they go throughout their day. Whether at the airport , on the street, anywhere….just say “hi”, give them hugs, oranges, well you get the point.

It really resonated with me. That we all want to be loved and cherished. That we all want to be acknowledged. That we should take the time to do that in kind. We are all cherished  by God and we should not only give it but receive it.

I am going through a period in my life that is really challenging and these simple words have taken on, not a new meaning but seem to shout out to me through the fog in my head and become so much more clear and meaningful.

By all means cherish your life, your family and yes, even yourself.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by, head on over to the Gypsy Mamma for more inspiration.

5 Things to Be Happy About Right Now


5 Things to Be Happy About Right Now~

Remote Start on my SUV.

Lunch this Saturday with a friend.

The beautiful Cardinals that keep landing in my tree right outside my window.

January 24; National Compliment Day


I’m thinking about making a button for this idea and trying to get it going across the blogoshphere. Something quick to post often that helps us all take a minute or two to be Happy. Any thoughts?

Thanks for taking the time to stop by today~